Please Tell Me I’m Wrong…

Our recently, legally, and effectively defeated, orange idiot, fired the defense secretary yesterday. From what I’m hearing he has installed several loyalists (a dozen or so) within the Pentagon over the last 24 hours.

Is this sorry sack of shit about to attempt a military coup? Is he about to declare we are no longer a democracy? Like the title says…

Please tell me I’m wrong.

If it comes to that, there will be a rebellion at some level. Either the military will rebell by not going through with it. Or the people will rebell if and when they do.

I really, hope I’m wrong. I don’t mind being wrong.

Best I can hope for right now, is that his boot licking comrades are being installed to pilfer military secrets, or just to sow chaos. Neither of those scenarios are good either.

Let me just be wrong… But something is afoot. We just don’t know what yet. Why make these moves now? What good explanation is there for these actions? The hell of it is, we really just don’t know what that asshole is capable of. He has 70 more days to make his move if he is going to. As it stands right now he is no longer president come Jan. 20. Unless of course he is a dictator by then…

I’ll also mention the actions of the R party right now are questionable too. It would be more reassuring if at least a few of them would stand up and show some backbone. But hell will likely freeze over before that happens. It sure looks to me like they would back any move our orange idiot might make. After all they would be in power, we have seen they will go to any length to stay in power.

Again, I hope I’m wrong. But would it surprise me if that is what he tries to pull? No, no it would not. Just so ya know, I’m no tin foil hatter, it’s just what I see, concerns me. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions. Maybe it isn’t as nefarious as it looks. Maybe I’m just wrong. I’m ok with that.

Let me be wrong. Because if I’m right, the revolution will have come to me. I won’t need them to call.

Karma Is A Bitch

Ha ha ha, the orange idiot and his mate have covid.

I can’t think of a better way to drive home the failures of this president. He has turned the presidency into a joke. He has turned our country into a joke. He has turned our country into a laughing stock around the world. He has riled up white supremacists into thinking they are welcome in our society. He has turned the head of our legal system into his lap dog. He has, and still is, as far as I know, still separating children from their familes and putting them in cages. He took a great economy gifted to him and run it into the ground. He tells a lie each and every time he opens his mouth to breathe. And he…

Completely and fully failed on covid 19! Now it’s biting him in the ass. Good. Schadenfreude is a pleasant friend at this juncture.

Y’all stay safe out there and be smart. This covid thing is still looking for you too.


I was browsing over at WEIT (Why Evolution is True,) and in one of the usual Hili Dialogues was nestled this video. I just had to share in case you all haven’t seen it yet.

Do be prepared to possibly wet yourself, maybe a couple of times, because, well dammit this is too funny. It moves a tad slow, but the content is pure gold. I find myself wanting to move to Mexico all of a sudden.


Republicans Sicken Me.

They passed the enormous tax bill that fucks the poor and feeds the rich. Adding to our national debt by a paltry 1.5 T.

I hope that this is the last straw for all of the hangers on who really want to believe that the R’s are acting in the interests of the people. The only interest they have is how best to screw us, screw the environment, screw the planet, screw everything and everybody, and in the process line their pockets with piles of $$.

My only hope now is that Mueller is the iceburg to the Titanic. And that people come to understand what has been done to us and our country, all in the name of democracy. In the name of progress, in the name of rocket fuel to the economy.


Profit and its best friend greed (Yes I stole this from our conversation Mak) is what is at work here. The absolute unscrupulous desire for a legislative win is what is at work here. These assholes passed this bill without even knowing what exactly is in it! They kept it all a big secret from everyone until they dropped it in the lap of the Senate last night, and pushed like a runaway locomotive to get it passed immediately. Before anyone could figure out what shenanigans they have pulled.

This bodes not well for our country. This is not how legislation should be done. This is running roughshod all over what is supposed to be a democracy. This is a despicable act by a desperate Senate, that is probably hoping this bill will be the crowning achievment of this administration, just before the iceburg sneaks up on them. Like the Titanic. She is sinking, and I hope each and every R that was a party to this legislation, is on board when she goes down.

And Nero plays as Rome burns.

If the revolution is taking applications, CALL ME!




So apparently Trump believes Comey is a nutjob.

I don’t know what Comey is exactly, besides a mendacious meddler favoring a Republican outcome in our presidential election, but it is in my opinion painfully clear who the nutjob is.

It isn’t Comey.

And nevermind the fact that our idiot in chief pretty much admitted he fired Comey because of the FBI’s investigation into Trump. Clearly a case of flagrant obstruction by a petulant, privileged, jackass who thinks he is beyond the law.

While I do believe this could be the beginning of the end for our joke of a president, the joke will be on us, as Pence, the idiot lying YEC, is next in line.

Thank you, I just had to get that out of my head as it was bouncing around in there like a ricochet and would not leave me alone. I feel a bit better now…  🙂


Epic Fail

Less than 24 hours after Trumps attack on a Syrian airbase, combat flights resumed.

So we have a pathological liar, a pussy grabber, a sleaze ball wanna be politician, a very little petty man wearing petty pants that are way to big for him, probably a damned traitorous colluder with a foreign govenrment, and a total fucking loser for a president.

Go USA! Rah..rah… oh fuck it, I’d like very much to be living somewhere else at the moment. Has it been four years yet?

Investigation? What Investigation?

As the world knows by now the U.S. blew up an airport in Syria last night. With Assads willingness to use chemical weapons on civilians I can’t say I don’t believe they had it coming. But in no way does that help with my view of Trump. He is still the lying, deceiving sack of shit he was two days ago.

This attack achieved several things. First it scratched Trumps itchy trigger finger. Second it sent a message to Syria and perhaps a few other countries. (That we have an insane moron at the helm and are now about as predictible as N. Korea) And third it sure took the conversation away from the investigation into the Russian Connection. Remember that?

The Russians had a one hour warning the attack was coming, so they had plenty of time to get the hell out. I’m sure they told their Syrian buddies too. So we blew up an airport. Predictably, Putin condems the attack as an agressive act, and a threat to our relations. He has to play the game. They all play the game. You may recall a little place called Ukraine? Hypocricy knows no bounds in politics. Or religion now that I think about it.

I just had to vent for a minute. I feel a little better now.