Which Begs the Question…


If you want to save time by not reading the link, the short story is, researchers have concluded that mass extinctions occur every 27 million years or so. Which, begs the question:

How long ago was the last mass extinction?

The graph plots percent extinction occurrences versus time in millions of years before present time, starting 550 million years ago. Extinction occurrences increase and decrease in a cyclical manner. At the lowest points on the cycle, extinction occurrences were between 2% and 5% percent. Spikes in the number of extinctions occurred at the end of geological periods: end-Ordovician, 450 million years ago; end-Devonian, 374 million years ago; end-Permian, 252 million years ago; end-Triassic, 200 million years ago; and end-Cretaceous, 65 million years ago. During these spikes, extinction occurrences approximately ranged from 22% to 50%.

If you will study this chart for a moment, indeed it appears every 25 million years, roughly, there is a definate uptick in extinctions. We can also extrapolate (if we ignore the slight uptick approximately 12 MYA, read the chart from right to left, zero is where we are now) that we are overdue.

Right now, given the state of the world, and the U.S. specifically. I’m not so sure it would be a bad thing. Let’s just have a do over!

Y’all stay safe out there. Thank science the covid vaccine will soon be available. Just in time for our extinction event πŸ˜‰

It’s a Disease

As often happens while I am scrolling through my reader, I will catch one of those WP recommended posts that piques my interest enough to click on it. As usual, I live to regret doing so. This fine morning I found a rightwing nutter proclaiming that a Biden presidency will cause the collapse of the US. even faster than our orange idiot is running it into the ground.

The post is heavy on scaremongering, the lifeblood of the R party. But the best part is… the s.o.b. accepts donations to his Paypal account!

I suppose the best indication of flattery is imitation. This blogger is grifting just like the orange idiot he/she worships.

I left a comment that will never see the light of day:

“Where do you get your bullshit pills? In any event I think you have had enough. Oh, lol! And you are running a grift to boot? Fucking priceless!”



My mundane life. I got up yesterday morning to a note on the microwave. It explained that the microwave gave up the ghost at some point in the night while I was sleeping. No biggie, last time I bought a microwave it was right around fifty bucks including tax.

Imagine my surprise when I got to the microwave isle and saw that a similar microwave was going to cost seventy bucks, plus tax. Making it damn near an eighty dollar purchase. (10% sales tax in Tn.) Jebus fricking christ!

Then yesterday as I took my wife to work, (note I said my wife and not “the” wife*) I saw the price of gas was holding steady at $1.72 a gallon that morning. By three- o- clock in the afternoon gas had jumped to $1.99 a gallon. A twenty seven cent increase in less than ten hours! WTF?

Now I suppose the orange idiot tariffs could have something to do with microwave prices. I dunno.

I also understand if you are looking for a freezer these days, good damn luck! It seems they are in high demand and slow to stock. Just FYI…

Will an assassination in Iran cause a darn near thirty cent jump in gas? I guess. I can’t think of a good reason besides that. But whatever. It is what it is, we have little say in the fluctuations of the consumer goods department. We as consumers are just along for the ride. I can say for sure though, the cost of the needs, sure puts a dent in the wants.

I hope this post finds you all in good health and maintaining covid protocalls. Y’all stay safe out there.

* I made a post on Pharyngula several days back, and described a situation in which I typed the words “the wife.” Someone made a comment thusly: “The wife, ugh!”

Now I’m not exactly sure what I did wrong there. I am getting to be an old fart and might be out of touch with all of the wokeness, and feminist leanings of the day, but as far as I know “the wife” isn’t a derogatory statement. Though I can see, if I squint, and try really hard, how it possibly could be interpreted that way. But I can assure you, and anyone else, that I’d never ever mean it in a derogatory fashion. It is an term I grew up with and never saw it used in a negative way. But I am mentioning this here, instead of there, as I wasn’t going to touch it with a ten foot pole on the Pharyngula blog. That place is a piranah tank for the unwary. I am not the unwary. πŸ™‚

If anyone can help me sort this out, without depriving me of a few appendages, I’d appreciate it.