
I haven’t posted in a while. Been living under my rock where it’s peaceful and quiet. I venture out on your blogs when I have time and drop a comment, or leave a like. Thing is with the never ending shit show that is our government today, well it’s wearing on me. I want so bad to do the Homer Simpson Bart Strangle on Donald tRump I cant stand it.

Image result for homer simpson choking bart

I watch the news for 5 minutes and get pissed enough to look for something, ANYTHING, besides the Shit Show.

And just in from the Shit Show, tRump authorized his lap dog Barr, to investigate the investigation. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like the guy who has been screaming witch hunt for the last 2 years, is now going on… a Witch Hunt!

I sometimes feel like we’d be better off if an asteroid blasted us all into oblivion.

We have some D’s who can’t seem to decide if impeachment is what needs doing, we have others darn well intent on doing just that. But it seems like they want to uncover as much info as possible first, and I don’t disagree with that. Fact of the matter right now we only have one, count em one R, right now who would vote towards impeachment, even if our asshat in chief did shoot someone on Main Street. It’s rather amazing really that one R out of dozens in the House/Senate has the balls to say what everyone else can certainly see for themselves.

So it would be futile right now to impeach. We need more info, and the WH is doing everything in its power to stonewall everything they can. The courts so far have done the right thing and ordered a lot of stuff to be handed over. But as expected they have/will appeal. And it drags on…

Then we have several states now passing or attempting to pass anti abortion laws that will set us back into the stone age as far as womens rights goes. Just disgusting.

Yep, this looks better every day…

Image result for image of asteroid hitting earth

Hope all is well in your parts of the world, and I’ll try to get a Picture Day thingy going, I believe I have enough stuff for one. Till then y’all keep on keeping on, and just maybe we will get through all of this. Notwithstanding any wayward asteroids.