How The Lack of Brown Sugar Caused the End of the World

I decided today was the day I was going to make some homemade potato soup and some fresh bread to go with it. Oh my gosh it’s such a great meal. Well to get started I have to get the bread going because it’s a three hour thing getting the bread made, and that’s cheating with a bread machine. But I don’t mind cheating, in fact if our old bread machine goes south I’ll immediately be looking to replace it. Anywho…

I warm the milk and put it in the bread machine pan, then add the 2.5 cups of bread flour, then toss in .75 cup of old fashioned oatmeal. Time for the brown sugar. 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, I go to the container on the counter where I have stored the brown sugar. I know exactly where it’s at. Where it’s been  for the last 3000 freaking years, and it isn’t there. It’s no longer where it has been for the last 3000 years and I’m looking at the clock, it’s all about timing putting a supper together and still have time to grab a quick shower before I have to head out and pick up the wife.

I look in the cabinets low and high. I look in places no one even ought to look for brown sugar. I check the cabinets again, then a couple more times just to make double damn sure. The brown sugar is nowhere to be found.

I recall the wife recently rearranging things in the kitchen. I am certain she has put the brown sugar in some ridiculous place I haven’t thought to look. I’ve been looking now for what seems like 45 mintues and my irritation is growing and the clock just keeps ticking. So I text the wife “Pardon me but where is the GD Brown sugar?!” She replies “what?” I’m like how could I possibly phrase it any clearer? I respond “Brown freaking sugar, where the heck is it?”

So she calls me. “What’s the deal?” I say I am looking for the brown sugar, where the hell is the brown sugar? My voice no doubt becoming notably irritated. In fact she says to me “don’t be yelling at me!” I said honey, I’m not yelling at you ok? I’m just yelling in general at this point. Then she says “have you looked in the container on the counter? “Yes! Yes I have looked there! At least three times! And everywhere else! Where did you put the brown sugar?”

She hesitates for a moment, “Oh didn’t our son use the brown sugar the other day?” I do recall he made some brownies for his girlfriend… The wife says “look for the recipe and see if his recipe called for brown sugar.” I could really care less at this point if the ding dang recipe calls for brown sugar ok? But regardless I spend more precious time looking for the ding dang recipe just because if I don’t I’ll have to keep answering the question “did you find the recipe?”

Well one of the boys has sensed my extreme irritation, no doubt clued by the stream of cussing bouncing off the walls. He finds the recipe! Well what do you know the recipe called for 1/2 cup of… brown sugar! Aha!

My boy had quite likely used the last bit of brown sugar making his girlfriend some brownies, and he neglected to inform anyone that an important household ingredient needs to be replaced.

Reality sets in. I am not going to be able to go to town and get the damn brown sugar and be back in time to get this meal off the ground. Fuck it! Just fuck it, no bread, no soup, will just have to figure something else out. I apologize to the wife and we part our phone conservation on good terms.

Well now I have this bread machine pan half full of ingredients I cannot put back in their containers. Yep that ship has sailed. So I figure I’ll take it out back and toss it all in the woods on the backside of the pond. So that’s what I did. I came back inside to clean the bread machine pan and I realized the little paddle that goes down in the bottom of the pan went over the backside of the pond when I tossed it out!

Jeebus damn frickety Christ! It was this moment I realized if I had the nuclear codes I’d probably just hit every damn red button on my desk. Thereby ending the world as we know it.

So, ya’ll make sure you have brown sugar ok? And make sure the orange idiot has brown sugar, or Big Macs, or triple cheesburgers with a side of lies too. The world is too important!

P.S. I texted my brownie making son with a shortened version of this story then asked him, “Think you can grab some damn brown sugar on the way home from work?”

He came in with 3 bags 😉



Just Dammit!

I got a message from a friend this morning. He was in recent contact with a positive covid case and we were playing music three days ago. Well that’s bad enough, but just last night my wife informed me that one of the people who live at the house she works at (home health care nurse, pediatric) has also been in contact with a positive case.

This thing is creeping in folks. If it has infiltrated my  backwoods, redneck infested, Tennesee local, there is no place safe.

I contacted my family NP (Nurse Practitioner) and inquired as to my best approach. My possible covid interactions are only a few days in, I wanted to know if I should give it some incubation time, to give the virus a true opportunity to show up in a test if I am a positive case? The reply was “wait until you are showing symptoms, then come in.” Which I took as a yes to my question.

Both possible covid infectees are temporarily furloughed from work until they know the results of their tests. Which right now can take up to two weeks to get the results. So now I can quarantine my ass for a while I suppose. Being a potential maybe, it’s too dangerous, if I care anything about my fellow man, to go about my normal routines even with a mask.

I will have a small cussing spasm now, most definately invoking the stupendous fucking orange idiot and the passel of ignorant, self serving, callous, unempathetic, cold blooded, enabling, rat bastard, R senators and governors infesting our country. Just look the other way, it will be over soon.

Y’all stay safe out there.



Comet Neowise, and I just heard about it a couple days ago (I’m slacking) is putting on a good show right now. Unfortunately this one is better suited for those at northern lattitudes. It is quite low in my Tn. sky. Probably a few hundred miles S of me it will be tough, if not impossible to see. I apologize to my southern lattitude readers! The internet will help you see it, but that experience while still good, it just does not measure up to seeing things like this with your own eyeballs.

I went out early with a pair of binoculars this morning, I was up anyway helping the wife get off to work, and searched the NE sky for it. I was stumped at first, I couldn’t find it, then I started looking a little further N and happened across it. It has a spectacular well defined nucleus and a faint-ish long tail. It somewhat resembled an exclamation point low in the N/NE sky.

By the time I got my grab n go telescope setup for a quick view some low level clouds had moved in and while the wife got a look at it, it didn’t look as good as it did a few minutes prior in the binoculars.

But hey, this comet will be with us  for a little while yet, and I will be heading out every morning I’m able to see it. A decent comet is quite a treat for an astro nerd, and it will be for you too! If you have some binoculars don’t miss this one. Comets like this don’t come around often and missing them is a sin in the book of SD.

Even if you have to go to a K-Mart, a Wal Mart, or some sporting goods store to buy a pair of 10×50 binoculars (they are cheap enough and everyone should have a pair anyway!) Or beg, borrow or steal a pair from a friend, get out there and check this one out. You can thank me after you have made bail 😉

Comet NEOWISE, the best comet of 2020