Religion Is A Special Kind Of Poison

I’m pretty sure most of my followers and friends aren’t MMA fans. That’s ok, I still love  you guys! Thing is, I was just perusing a website devoted to MMA and read a story, and I felt like it might interest you. Put aside your possible disinterest in the sport, and read the story for what it tells us. I had never heard of this particular fellow, but after reading his story it shocked me a bit, it is the last thing I expected really, but once I understood the why, it is something we all are aware of in religion.

Religious cults are a special kind of evil. It’s a faily long writeup, I’ll leave it to you to see what you think. It’s a damn shame, a sad story on the effect of the uber religiosity that dwells among us…


So… Where Is Heaven?

The notion crossed my mind recently and being the curious sort I Googled it. I found many claims of heaven being for sure real. Claims of it being some ethereal place somewhere. Claims of it existing on an astral plane. Bible verses as proof it is there, but the where is never mentioned. Bible claims that it is among the atmosphere of earth (I pity the fools that would be there, right now. Also I do wonder if jets fly through frequently? Boy that would mess up a hair day.)  Claims that Jesus is there as I speak, building mansions for all the good x-ians. Damn good thing he was a carpenter! Put those skills to use Jesus!

All of my life I have heard of heaven. People tend to look up when they mention it. I have looked up too. Didn’t see it there, anywhere. I have a multitude of telescopes that I have looked up with as well. I have seen galaxies thousands of light years away, nebulas in their grand splendor, star clusters of the open and globular varieties, comets, planets, double stars, triple stars, quadruple stars, planetary nebula, and multitudes of stars along one of the spiral arms of our Milky Way. I didn’t see heaven in any of those places. Did I perhaps miss it? The Hubble telescope has been taking pictures out there for a LONG time now, I haven’t seen any pics of heaven yet. I’m sure it’s on the list of things to do… right?

The thing is, if you are going to base an entire freaking religion on the premise that all the good people will go to this heaven when they die, why in the hell can’t you at least point in the general direction that this supposed place exists? Claims of its existence are bountiful, everybody seems to just know it exists, but not a one of them can show me where. I’ve yet to see any gods yet either as a matter of fact. Odd.

Heaven. That paradise we are all told of. That place where all of lifes miseries and aggravations no longer exist. A place where we are simply content to be because we are with our gods. That place where grandma and grandpa are waiting for us, still very much alive and happy to be. The place where Fido and Guppy went when they died. The place where margaritas, good bourbon, and medical quality weed flow like water along the Danube (hey you pick your heaven, I’ll pick mine.)

A place no one apparently really knows where in the hell it actually is… 🙂  Which makes me think someone is full of shit. Every religion across the globe has a heaven to promise its adherents. They line the pews every Wednesday and twice on Sunday, dropping their afterlife insurance payment in the collection plate, but none of them have a clue where the fuck this final payoff, heaven, is. Pardon me while I… Lol!

The moral of the story folks, is do not just be content with what the preachers tell you, or what the people you may know heard from their preacher, and are now convinced it is factual. Do a little research of your own, ask questions until you are satisfied with the answer.

There are those in religion who would lie to you, and gladly take your money. You know why? Because they never have to actually deliver on their con, and they are pretty damn sure you aren’t going to ask for your money back once you are dead! Next time someone tells you heaven is real, ask them where the heck it is! For me, okay? 😉

FWIW, heaven or hell is IMO what we tend to make for ourselves in this life. Here is hoping you all have a slice of whatever you perceive as heaven. I couldn’t imagine life without a smile, a laugh, and good time with friends/family. At least every once in a while.

The Power Of Shungite

So I’m channel surfing and see The Power of Shungite as a title of something, I wondered if it was perhaps some sort of fantasy sci-fi thing at first, and I hit the remote button to see what it was. I was sure surprised when two air headed women popped up on my TV, hawking some cheap jewelry with very uninspiring stones, set in some questionable looking silver, and they were spouting out more idiotic claims in one minute than an army of debunkers could shred in 3 days. “It’s like having an invisible electro magnetic radiation shield.” “When you wear it you can feel its energy.” “Healers use it.” “It slows the effects of AIDS.” and on and on and on…

My skeptical brain quickly went into self destruct mode, I had to get away from the TV, so I retreated to the safety of the computer. And I Googled Shungite, boy one bad idea after another!

I will leave you with a couple of links to peruse, please wear your tinfoil hats on this escapade, and don’t take any wooden nickels while you are out there 😉

Things You Didn’t Know About Shungite: The Stone With Healing Powers

P.S. Someone please let me know when the hard scientific data shows up so I can then reconsider my position. “The Power of Shungite” indeed. I’m much more inclined to believe in the “Power of Bullshit!”


Election Fraud

The news is in North Carolina, I’m sure we have all heard about it by now. Where the R candidate managed to steal an election by hiring contractors, who hired a felon, to hire individuals, to bang on doors, and convince residents they were there to help them cast their votes early. Only to then take those ballots and dispose of them, or change them to suit their purposes, which was to see to it that the R got elected.

Now wasn’t it the R’s of late using election fraud as an excuse to enact their voter suppression tactics? The true irony here isn’t that the R’s got caught cheating, the irony is that they seem to think it’s only a bad thing when they think, or accuse D’s of doing it… As the R political spectrum is oddly quiet about the situation.

You can bet your last nickel that if the D’s had got caught up in a huge election fraud fiasco, the R’s would be screaming bloody murder right about now. I’ve yet to hear a peep, wonder why that is?

In another vein of thought here, it is my opinion that every election is fradulent on the basis of all of the R gerrymandering across the country. There are elections where the vast majority of votes were cast for D’s, and the R’s hardly noticed any loss of seats, and they still hold the majority. If the election districting was fair, and it is not, the D’s would have taken the majority in several states. Why in the hell isn’t their an enormous outcry here? Oh..that’s right, the fucking R’s still hold the majority in these states! Even if there was an outcry it wouldn’t matter, because they have stolen control by being low down dirty, cheating, conscience deficient dogs.

What we the people need to do, and get it done A.S.A.P. is challenge every gerrymandered district and get this in the courts. You would think state legislatures could handle this on their own, but since the playing field has been significantly slanted in favor of the R’s, there is little hope a very strong turnout by D’s could gain enough seats for a majority, where that legislature could, on its own, change things to a proper and fair districting process.

Somehow, some way, we need this fixed.

Oh, and the states attempting to undermine new D’s coming into office by re-legislating the power of office, because they cannot abide the D’s having the same sort of power they had… Every R in those legislatures participating in this theft of power, needs to be dragged away in handcuffs. Let them stand in line at the prison lunch counter with tRump and co.

I swear the more I know the madder I get.