Cranks, Kooks, and Crazies

The internet is a wonderful thing. Much of the worlds knowledge at our fingertips. Blogs and online hangouts a plenty. It is wide open spaces for anyone with a desire to learn or explore. The information age is great.

The misinformation age though not so much.

I just recently encounted an avid flat earther who is also very religious, probably a YEC. And very much a crank. What is a crank? My definition would be someone who holds very firm opposing belief in areas where the evidence/understanding of the topic at hand is pretty much settled. They hang on to these beliefs despite the tons of evidence that shows they are mistaken. Often they will become highly agitated, aggressive, and relentless in their attacks on anyone holding a more rational view. And they will never ever admit any possibility they could be in error. They cling to these erroneous beliefs like a dog with a ham bone and will snap at anyone that gets close. There are lots of topics available for your friendly neighborhood crank to take up, but I will focus on the flat earth today.

The flat earth claim is a non starter for most of us. We already have a good understanding of the spherical shape of our planet based on many areas of study and evidence galore supporting the fact our earth is a sphere. Now the crank will handily dismiss this evidence. They will proclaim we have bought into the BIG LIE, we have been duped, deceived, NASA is in on the coverup! Only they (the crank) know the truth!

Now I encounterd my crank on Nans blog, (hi Nan!) and I made no attempt to hide the fact I was incredulous to their claims. They latched onto me like a dog with a ham bone and have been leaving me some interesting posts (if you are into the pathology of a crank) on my blog. I put them in the trash where they belong, but will reproduce them here as an example of crankism. Here we go:

“Evidence based shell? What do you know about EVIDENCE?

Perhaps you have SEEN evidence that the earth walked a quarter mile to pick up a can of tuna………oh wait, you HEARD……………by others who ASSUMED………….who heard by others who SUPPOSED………..who agreed with others who ‘did the math……………….’ who pretended to ASSERT………that your so-called ball spins @ 1,040 mph, orbiting at an alleged 67,000 mph…………

………while not person has ONE drop of EVIDENCE…….but a thousand THEORIES……………that the earth is guilty of the highest crime.

You crack me up. Evidence. A man who disavows the Creator, pretending to speak of Design…………

Your so called evidence is about as useless as a dictionary without words.

Gotta love the immoveable foundations of the earth, founded upon the floods………….as sure as true science testifies, and as sure as the good book so eloquently says.” (end of comment)

First note the overuse of the caps and the extended ellipses. Now let’s look at the assertions. First an insult to get started, since my blog is titled Evidence Based Reality, what would I know of evidence? Then this: “Perhaps you have SEEN evidence that the earth walked a quarter mile to pick up a can of tuna” I have to admit I don’t even know where this nonsensical claim came from, I probably don’t want to know. When it comes to the mind of a crank you probably do not want to delve deeper by asking questions 🙂

Next we get to the heart of the matter, that the rotation of the earth on its axis at 1040 mph, and its trajectory around the sun, which is roughly moving on that trajectory at 67,000 mph, is all the BIG LIE!

Then let’s with a sweep of the hand, dismiss all of the good scientific evidence we have for a spherical earth with this: “while not person has ONE drop of EVIDENCE…….but a thousand THEORIES……………that the earth is guilty of the highest crime.”  Evidence is meaningless to a crank that has all of the answers don’t ya know?

Now this: “You crack me up. Evidence. A man who disavows the Creator, pretending to speak of Design” Again this one seems to be out in left field, as I do not speak of design, though I am an atheist. So we can give them a half right here.

Again a quick dismissal of the evidence with the hand wave: “Your so called evidence is about as useless as a dictionary without words.”

Finally a biblical reference with this: “Gotta love the immoveable foundations of the earth, founded upon the floods” I think when you start with the premise that your magic book is the end all be all source of facts, you have a flawed premise. One that requires the bending of reality to fit your preconceptions. I would posit that this behavior might be a key point, at the very core, of the emergence of a crank.

Now this: “as sure as true science testifies” Please note the assertion of the true science, but none forthcoming. Cranks have all of the true science, they just never have any to show you.

Now here is the other post retrieved from the trash, for your perusal:

Congrats digs. You have entered the realms of the hypocritical. You post about an alleged ‘globe,’ (global warming haha) then accuse someone of ‘derailing’ your post because you cannot with a straight face answer the criminal charges made by yourself.

Congrats. All atheists everywhere should be proud. Next stop: more shallow name calling, baseless nitwit comments, and a complete ignoring of what lies stare you in the face. Way to go, but its ok, I have ten thousand atheist clocks /i have cleaned in my basement, don’t need another rusty and broken one of yours. lol (end comment)

More of the same really. Insults, projection, the Big Lie, nonsensical claims of criminal charges, and finally a gross overestimation of their prowess. The hallmark of the crank. Note I did not name my crank. Most of you know who it is, I personally refuse to allow them any notoriety here. Although I don’t mind if it comes up in the comments.

Welcome To The Orwellian Nightmare

I guess Mike Pence, our lying YEC vice president, has been busy. I can’t imagine where else this list of banned words for the CDC came from.

What is it that the Republicans and the ultra conservatives that drive them, could be afraid of with things like “evidence based” and “science based?” I’ll tell you what. Them persnickety facts have always been a thorn in the side of conservatives because they show religion to be the fraud that it is. Simple as that. They cannot stand the fact that the facts are contrary to the claims in their magic books.

You can run and hide from words I suppose. But the facts will always be the facts. Hiding from them shows what cowards they really are.

Wasn’t too long ago they banned “global warming” because it was too scary or something. Heads in the sand are very small minded people.

Other words on the ban list are fetus, transgender, diversity, entitlement and vulnerable. Pathetic sons of bitches.

Our Country Needed This

Alabama has spoken. We will not have (an outed) pervert on the Senate. We needed a course correction, I hope this serves as a beacon to the rest of our country come election next year.

Hallelujah! I wish I had done a sermon before Trump got elected 😉

I am thrilled at the prospect of tomorrow with this result. The wave of sanity that swept Alabama, needs to sweep the country and let’s fix what has been broken. Oh and send as many of these R shysters as far into jail as the evidence leads us.

I will sleep a little better tonight. Though there is still a long way to go…

Is It National Elect A Pervert Day?

Only time will tell. The people of Alabama will soon show their stripes.

Praise the lard! Let some backlash of sanity envelop us all! Let us drive the ebil from our midst! Let the people see the error of the Republican parties ways! Let them vote as sane and rational people and not puppets of Faux News and the lying orange haired evil one!

Too much to ask for eh?

But on a positive note I’m halfway to becoming a hellfire and brimstone preaching preacher, I just have to get this whole believing in an invisible friend thing straightened out.

Republicans Sicken Me.

They passed the enormous tax bill that fucks the poor and feeds the rich. Adding to our national debt by a paltry 1.5 T.

I hope that this is the last straw for all of the hangers on who really want to believe that the R’s are acting in the interests of the people. The only interest they have is how best to screw us, screw the environment, screw the planet, screw everything and everybody, and in the process line their pockets with piles of $$.

My only hope now is that Mueller is the iceburg to the Titanic. And that people come to understand what has been done to us and our country, all in the name of democracy. In the name of progress, in the name of rocket fuel to the economy.


Profit and its best friend greed (Yes I stole this from our conversation Mak) is what is at work here. The absolute unscrupulous desire for a legislative win is what is at work here. These assholes passed this bill without even knowing what exactly is in it! They kept it all a big secret from everyone until they dropped it in the lap of the Senate last night, and pushed like a runaway locomotive to get it passed immediately. Before anyone could figure out what shenanigans they have pulled.

This bodes not well for our country. This is not how legislation should be done. This is running roughshod all over what is supposed to be a democracy. This is a despicable act by a desperate Senate, that is probably hoping this bill will be the crowning achievment of this administration, just before the iceburg sneaks up on them. Like the Titanic. She is sinking, and I hope each and every R that was a party to this legislation, is on board when she goes down.

And Nero plays as Rome burns.

If the revolution is taking applications, CALL ME!


There Can Be Only One

5 dollar box that is. I don’t know about most of you but I have to do a lot of running at times, and when you are caught out in the wild when hunger strikes it is all too easy to stop in somehwere for a bite. I have tried every 5 dollar box I know of (yes I am a cheap bastard!) and just wanted to relate my personal findings. All of these boxes I tried were the chicken tenders variety. Also bear in mind I am close to 5’11” and run around in the general vicinity of 215 lb bare nekkid (there is a visual image for ya). So I am a pretty good sized guy with a pretty good sized appetite.

First the Wendys 5 dollar box. The chicken tenders were decent enough though small. The meal for me was unsatisfying. I was still very interested in getting more food than it actually offered for 5 bucks.

The Dairy Queen 5 dollar box. Quite similar to the Wendys version, though the small sundae helped a little.

The Hardees 5 dollar box. This one was a little better as far as a satisfying meal. The cookie is superior to the KFC box. I am a cookie enthusiast and would know 🙂

And finally the KFC 5 dollar box. This is the first 5 dollar meal I know of, and by far stands out as the best. The tenders are larger than any of the other offerings. The biscuit helps to fill you up making it much more fulfilling overall. You can get mashed potatoes/gravy or potato wedges, and the cookie tops it off.

It just so happens I was out last night when hunger struck, I have 2 boys at home that needed to eat also, (The wife was at work) and I had not the time or inclination to cook. So I thought I’d stop at McDonalds and grab a few quarter pounders from the McPick menu. You can get a pair of several kinds of burger offerings for, guess how much? 5 bucks. So there I was sitting in a long line thinking to myself, “I have 2 grown boys to feed and I’m damn hungry myself, I can get us 3 deals of 2 burgers, and we have chips and drinks at home.” (yes I am a cheap bastard!) Then it hit me, I’d be spending 15 bucks plus tax, for 3, 2 burger deals with no drinks or fries or anything else, and “why in the hell would I want to do that when there is a KFC not 2 minutes from here?”

Needless to say in our trash this morning is the remains of 3 KFC 5 dollar boxes. And this mundane post was born. I guess we take what we can get when the inspiration hits us…

So, my personal ranking of the 5 dollar boxes is #1. KFC, #2. Hardees (the better cookie did not tip this one in favor of the number 1 slot), #3. Dairy Queen, and coming in at the bottom of the box, #4. Wendys.

So says, the cheap bastard, SD.  🙂