I Guess That’s Not Such A Huge Surprise

A slew of major corporations are donating a total of 140 billion dollars to help fight the global warming issue. Oil companies have yet to show up. Doubtful they will. Short vid with a skippable commercial after 4-5 seconds. I hope this works, never tried to post a video, and the link was un-copypasteable (yes that’s a word I looked it up!) EDIT: Nevermind, the link will take you to the sciencedaily page, which I suppose is good enough. Go see the vid. While you are there check out some of the other articles on the page.


When I think about this problem it really ticks me off. Oil corporations are so greedy they would destroy the very planet that sustains us, for a profit. Not only that, they DO fund climate denying Tea Party types. Greed is the sin that will eventually get around to killing us all. I suppose it always has been…

Excuse me, I have a huge pile of tires I need to set on fire… (sarcasm folks, sarcasm)

3 thoughts on “I Guess That’s Not Such A Huge Surprise

  1. Good video. Oil companies are the personification of evil in our modern world. The bastards.


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